Analytics & Reporting

We set-up and configure web analytics that provide accurate and relevant reporting.

We implement advanced integrated analytics to track user engagement and buyer behaviour to improve integrated marketing channel performance. Giving you key performance reports that are accurate, quick to reference and available anytime of day.

Google Tag Manager enables us to set up and manage your web analytics without having to trouble your IT team for any web updates. From the Tag Manager dashboard we can implement a wide range of custom analytics tools and parameters based on your requirements.

Unlike the old method of implementing Google Analytics and retargeting, we are able to modify what we track through custom html tags, via the tag manager console. Then the analytics are populated within Google Analytics dashboard, for further segmentation and analytics, without you having to go into Tag Manager either. The implementation of the Google Analytics code, is via a container code added to the header of each web page instead of the usual GA javascript. This enables us to implement different tags via tag manager instead of making changes to the webpage itself, or any links.

The results from Universal Analytics are viewed in the Google Analytics dashboard just the same as before. However the results include, for example, the tracking of PDF downloads, Social Interactions, Traffic to Social Networks, Amount of Page Scroll, Form Abandonments, Purchase Data, Retargeting, Adwords, Specified Values based on conversions, etc…..All without having to add any code to specific links, as we can trigger tags to fire on specific actions and provide their values via the tag manager console.

Based on your requirements, we set up google tag manager, so we can help you increase the knowledge of your customers online and optimise their journey towards conversion.

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